General Instructions
- All visa applicants are mandatorily required to submit their biometric trait, along with visa application at the Embassy of India Brasilia. However, the followings are exempted from submission of biometrics :-
1. Applicants below 12 of age;
2. Applicants above 70 years; and
3. Holders of diplomatic and service passport (in certain cases)
- Foreigners traveling to India, with any category of visa, are prohibited from carrying satellite phones.
- Applicants are requested to check all the entries on the visa sticker immediately upon receipt of their passport with visa sticker. Discrepancy, if any, should be immediately reported to the Embassy.
- Applicant should take note of the endorsements made on the visa sticker for strict compliance.
- Since Brazil falls under the “Yellow Fever” zone, any passenger arriving at India from Brazil may be asked to produce ‘International immunization certificate against yellow fever’ at the time of entry in India. It is therefore recommended that visitors from Brazil obtain yellow fever vaccination and carry the certificate while travelling to India.
- Visit to certain restricted / protected areas in India requires special approval; it is not covered under normal visa; A list of such areas, and details for seeking permission to visit these areas is given below
Information on Restricted/Protected Areas requiring special approval

- Some visa applicants may be required to register with the Indian authorities, namely Foreigners Regional Registration Offices (FRROs), either on arrival at India, or during their stay in India. Details of FRROs may be checked below:-
Foreigners Regional Registration Offices (FRROs) 
- At places other than the above listed FRROs, the registration may be done at the District Superintendents of Police in the district concerned.
- Visa fee once received/credited to Embassy account will Not be refunded.
- Visa applicants are advised not to fall in trap of unscrupulous agents or fraudulent websites/portals aiming to dupe visa applicants. All visa applicants are requested to apply for visa services online by clicking the link mentioned on this website.
Apply for Regular Visa 
Apply for e-Visa Visa 
- In certain cases, grant of visa may require prior approval of Indian authorities. If any applicant falls under this category, the applicant shall be informed at the time of application or later at the stage of scrutiny, as the case may be.
- Embassy of India reserves the right to refuse or deny visa to any visa applicant without assigning any reason for doing so. Embassy also reserves the right to curtail the duration, number of entries allowed or the places to be visited on the visa.