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Maintenance of Green Space in Chancery-cum-residential complex

1.          General Information:

Embassy of India, Brasilia, Brazil on behalf of the President of India invites tender in “Single Stage Two Bids (Technical & Financial Bid) System” on Fixed Price Lumpsum basis for the above-mentioned work.

Tender Publishing Date 21 February 2022

Tender Document Downloading date

21 February 2022

Pre bid meeting date & time

From 22 February to 24 February, 2022
(1000 to 1700 hours – on request)

Tender submission closing date and time

16 March 2022 at 1500 hours

Tender opening date and time

17 March 2022 at 1500 hours

Financial bid opening date and time

18 March 2022 at 1500 hours

2.            Document for Tender

The document is attached for submission of tender document:-

Eligibility Criteria PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site.

3.            Issue, Receipt and Opening of Tender Document

(i) Receipt of Tender Documents

The Tender documents, as mentioned above, may be obtained free of cost and may be downloaded from Central Procurement Portalhttps://eprocure.gov.in/cppp/  External website that opens in a new windowand also the official website of the Embassy of India, Brasilia at http://www.eoibrasilia.gov.in/#documentaries External website that opens in a new window

(ii) Submission of Tender

(a)           The Tender shall be submitted before 3.00 pm on or before March 17, 2022 at Embassy of India, Brasilia (at the address below):-

Mr. Anand Prakash, Head of Chancery
Embassy of India, Brasilia
SES 805 Lote 24, Asa Sul
Brasilia, Distrito Federal
CEP – 70452-901, BRAZIL

(b)        Any Tender received after this date and time will not be considered. Tender shall be opened on the March 17 at 3.00 PM.

(c)       The Tender shall remain valid for a period of One Hundred Eighty (180) days from the last date of submission or any extended period.

(d)       Mode of submission of Tender : The Tender shall be submitted in sealed envelopes as described below:

Envelope “A” -  Superscribed as “Technical Bid Documents
Envelope “B” -  Superscribed as “Financial Bid Document
Envelope “C” -  Superscribed as “Tender for Maintenance of  Green space 
containing Envelop “A” and “B” above

(e)       Any technical bid containing a financial proposal or disclosing the financial quotation for the service shall be rejected.

4.         Opening of Tender

(a)       The tenders shall be opened in the Embassy of India, Brasilia office at the address given above. The bidders may send their representatives on the stipulated date for opening of tender.
(b)       Envelop ‘C’ containing Technical and Financial Documents shall be opened first in presence of bidders or their representatives.
(c)       Thereafter, Envelop ‘A’ containing Technical Documents shall be opened in the presence of representatives of bidders, and referred to the ‘Tender Evaluation Committee’ of the Embassy.
(d)       After evaluation of Technical Documents, a list of qualified bidders will be prepared by the Embassy. Qualified bidders will be informed about acceptance of their technical bid, and a date for opening the             financial bid will be notified.
(e)       The ‘Financial Bid’ shall be opened at the notified time, date and place in presence of bidders or their representatives.

5   Award of Work

(a)    The financial bids opened in presence of the representatives of the company shall be further evaluated by the ‘Tender Evaluation Committee’.
(b)    A letter of ‘Award of Contract’ shall be issued to the successful bidder, whose bid is found to be lowest and whose bid has been finally accepted.

6.            Other information

(a)       Embassy will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender nor to give a reason for the rejection of any Tender.
(b)       The tenderer, whose bid is accepted shall be issued a letter to ‘Award the Work’.
(c)       The tenderer will be required to submit a list of full details of services of green space management proposed to be deployed during the contract period within 7 days from the issue of award of work.
(d)       The Tenderer will also be required to sign the ‘Terms and Conditions’ of the agreement for green space management.